*Our final agility class began in October 2023. We will be repurposing the training yard for different use in the future. We have loved being a part of your pets’ agility training experience!*
Are you looking for a fun and educational puppy training class, but haven’t found anything that catches your eye? Consider Beginning Agility! Our agility trainer, Candy Gaiser, encourages everyone to start their puppies in agility classes early: once they’ve had their first two DHPP vaccines and Bordetella vaccine, they’re old enough to begin the class! Your dog will be required to be kept up to date on vaccines throughout the entire session, and once your dog is of age to receive it, a current Rabies vaccine is also mandatory in order to attend.
Beginning Agility is held exclusively on-leash. It includes an introduction to clicker training and beginning obedience, so it’s a unique and fun way to start training your active puppy! Our agility yard is packed with fun jumps, tunnels, weave poles, and see-saws – just waiting for you and your dog to come learn and enjoy! Candy’s experience as an agility competitor, trainer, and judge will serve your dog well, regardless of his or her skill level and experience.
Our final round of classes began on Tuesday, October 31, 2023.
For those interested in general obedience courses, we do not currently offer this or have plans to offer it again in the future.