Whew! It feels like the dog days of summer are here already! !

Even though it’s still only May, we’re starting to feel the thermometer creeping up! Read on for updates on our puppy training classes, disaster preparedness, and the best ways to beat the heat and keep safe and cool this year!

Dog Training Update!

Due to our air conditioning unit taking an early summer vacation, our puppy training classes were pushed back a week! The new start date is this Wednesday, June 10th. There are still a couple spots open in our puppy preschool and kindergarten classes, so if you were on the fence about signing up but missed the deadline, here is your chance!

Help your puppy become the “cool kid” that loves to go to the vet! We know you dread those visits where you have to coax and plead to get your dog to come through the door. Puppy training classes are one of the very best ways to teach your pup that visiting us here at Woodland Vet is the cool thing to do! We can always tell which puppies have been to our classes – they can’t wait to come through the door!

Puppies from 7-12 weeks of age at the start of class are eligible to sign up for Puppy Preschool, and will need to have had at least one DHPP vaccine, as well as their Bordetella vaccine. Puppies from 13 weeks to 8 months of age are eligible for Kindergarten, and will need to be current on their DHPP and Bordetella vaccines, and if they are old enough, their Rabies vaccine as well.

Puppy Preschool will run from 4-5pm and Kindergarten will run from 5-6 pm. Continuing Obedience will be held from 6-7pm. The price for the four week session is $125. You must register and pay for the course in order to hold a spot for “Spot”!

Spots will go fast, so give us a call at 530-666-2461 and enroll your puppy today!

May 13th is National Animal Disaster Preparedness Day
While Northern California isn’t at risk for some of the bigger name natural disasters (tornados, tsunamis, etc), we still get our fair share. Earthquakes, floods, and fires are all very real possibilities here. Do you have a plan in place for how to keep your family (furry, feathered and scaley members included) safe if the unthinkable happens?

In the event of a disaster, if you must evacuate, the most important thing you can do to protect your pets is to evacuate them too. If it’s not safe for you to stay behind, then it’s not safe to leave pets behind either. It is best to prepare now, so you know how to best care for your furry friends when the unexpected occurs.

With this in mind, here are some helpful tips to get you started. Further detail can be found in this blog post on our website: Pet Emergency Preparations

1. Know A Safe Place to Take Your Pets – Make a list of pet-friendly hotels and motels, relatives who live nearby, boarding facilities, and veterinarians who could shelter your pet in case of an emergency. Keep this list posted in a handy, easily-accessible spot.

2. Assemble a Pet Emergency Kit – Keep your pet’s essential supplies in sturdy containers that can be easily accessed and carried. This kit should include food, water, bedding, medications, and any other “essentials” your pet might need. It should also contain current photos of your pets in case they get lost.

You should also have your pets tagged and microchipped, and a copy of your registration papers and proof of ownership with these photos. Here’s a great sheet where you can input all of your pet’s info: Pet Emergency Sheet

3. Help Emergency Workers Help Your Pets –

The ASPCA recommends using a rescue sticker alert to let people know that pets are inside your home. Here’s where you can order one from them for free (allow about 6-8 weeks for delivery): Pet Safety Pack, although there are many different varieties listed online. Make sure it is visible to rescue workers, and that it includes the types and number of pets in your household and your veterinarian’s phone number. If you must evacuate with your pets (and if time allows) write “EVACUATED” across the stickers so rescue workers don’t waste time looking for them.

We hope you never have to use these tips, but if the situation ever arises, you’ll be glad you have them!

Beat the Heat!
Whew! It feels like summer is here already! With multiple days already topping 90 degrees on the thermometer, it’s time to think about how to keep your pet safe in warmer weather. Don’t get caught up in the mindset that heat stroke and hot cars are only a “summer problem” – we’ve already seen our heat stroke first case of the year!

Vehicle temperatures rise extremely fast – even a “quick trip” can put your pet at risk!

And please remember, if the asphalt is too hot for your bare feet, it’s too hot for your dog’s paws, too! Asphalt has been measured at 125 degrees when the air temperature is only 77 degrees outside. At that level, it only takes 60 seconds for skin destruction to occur. Take 5 seconds to test the temperature and hold your palm to the ground when you go outside – your pup will thank you!

Cool Treats to Keep Your Pet Feeling Paaaawsitive This Summer
That’s all well and good, but my dog is staring at my popsicle like he wants to eat it! Is there anything I can give him to help cool him off? Great question!

Thanks to the wonder of the internet, there are tons of fantastic frozen treat recipes for your pup now. You can include pet-safe ingredients like apple slices, carrots, green beans, canned pumpkin, plain peanut butter (no xylitol in the ingredients), blueberries, watermelon, and bananas. Here’s a link to a couple we can’t wait to try: Make your own “pupsicle” frozen dog treats

That’s all for now, friends. Until next time, stay cool, and give us at Woodland Vet a call if you have any questions – 530-666-2461.

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